တမ်းပလိတ်:Non Standard Encoding

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Non-standard encoding[ပြင်ဆင်ရန်]

Please help Wikipedia convert them by tagging it with {{Non Standard Encoding}}. You may also check entries marked as Non Standard Encoding and help us convert them by clicking here. These entries may also be, in the future, marked for deletion once we have enough administrators and contributors. Right now, we are a very small community to make these decisions.

Examples of non-standard encoding[ပြင်ဆင်ရန်]

Entries with ZawGyi, Myazedi and XPartial? do not meet any defined national or international standards. These entries are different from old standard entries such as Unicode 4.1 because it was never a part of any Information Interchange models.

How to identify NSE[ပြင်ဆင်ရန်]